Wednesday, 31 August 2011

SIP Dialers As Predictive Dialers – Why SIP Predictive Dialers Are A Must-Have for Call Centres

A predictive dialer is a software that automatically dials an entire group of phone numbers and connects each active call to an available agent. It’s main function is to process outbound calls to make sure that agents don’t waste time dialing numbers or making unsuccessful calls. All calls that are unanswered or are picked up by answering machines and all numbers that are inactive are automatically filtered out. This greatly improves efficiency in exchange for a low investment cost.

Other than that, however, a predictive dialer has many other capabilities. For one thing, it can broadcast a single recorded message to several recipients at once; it can send to as many as thousands of telephone numbers. For another, it can now also work as an inbound contact centre, aside from its being an outbound call processing software.

An SIP/VoIP dialer is a combination of two powerful technologies: predictive dialers and VoIP communications. This means that instead of using a telephone line to make the calls, SIP predictive dialers course the calls through the company’s Internet connection. This does not just save call centre businesses telephone costs, but it even eliminates the need for telephone lines. The only requirements are a computer (a desktop or a laptop will do), the SIP predictive dialer software, and an Internet connection.

Players in the industry currently offer SIP predictive dialer software, which do not require any hardware. This also means there is no risk of encountering hardware problems and no need for hardware maintenance and repair. One example of such a software product is the Tpad predictive SIP dialer, which does the job well and even goes way beyond that. The Tpad software offers high-speed Internet connection provided by Supanet with the capacity to accommodate up to 3000 active and even concurrent calls. The Tpad SIP software can also be integrated into any existing web-based or CRM software the call centre may already be using.

However, some companies also offer predictive dialer equipment, which refers to a desktop computer that has already been pre-configured to work with a special telephony voice board or voice modems. Of these two options, the latter is more cost-effective, but both are equally advantageous as they both allow call centre businesses to enjoy the benefits of predictive dialers and SIP gateways.

And of course, these companies also provide free training and ongoing support for all clients of their SIP predictive dialer software.
The SIP/VoIP predictive dialer can benefit a wide range of industries, including marketing firms that do telemarketing for lead generation and scheduling, market research companies, in-house customer service systems, enterprising companies, insurance claims enquiries and processing, in-house company notifications, surveys and polls, and several others. But of course, it is most widely used in call centres whose main focus is exactly what SIP dialers offer.

Visit my website to see how SIP Dialer software can drastically improve the efficiency of your call centre and also let you find the correct Predictive SIP Dialer Software to suit your business needs.


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VoIP Technology – Changing The Dynamics Of Telecommunications Industry

VoIP technology has changed the way telecommunications industry functioned. Voice signals are converted into digital IP packets which are sent over the Internet to the destination. Call Agent, Media Gateway and Billing System are integral part of the VoIP system.

The telecommunications industry has moved miles in the last decade. Introduction of VoIP technology was a significant development in the industry which altered industry dynamics a lot. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a method of converting voice signals into digital IP packets and sending it via the Internet to the destination. The technology has become popular as it is a cost effective method of communication.

Softswitch is in the center of VoIP mechanism. A centrally located device within a telephone network, it is supported by a specialized software. The device links calls from one telephone line to the other. Before the device came into being, physical switches were used for call routing. The softswitch separates the hardware and software of a circuit switched network. The device handles IP-to-IP phone calls. A softswitch is used to control connections at the junction point between circuit and packet networks. A single device containing the switching fabric as well as the switching logic can be used for the purpose.

Modern technology has decomposed the device into a Call Agent and a Media Gateway. Functions like billing, call routing, signaling, call services are enabled by the call agent. Media Gateway links various types of digital media streams together to create an end-to-end path for the data. The system has interfaces to link to PSTN networks as well as ATM and IP networks.

The Billing System of VoIP services is integrated within the service. From service creation and classification to internal provisioning, an integrated VoIP system does the needful. Current VoIP billing systems are designed for Class 4 or Class 5 services, including hosted PBXs. Custom turnkey solutions are available which integrate into the existing telephony infrastructure. A robust billing system has adequate authentication and rating capabilities, providing service providers with efficient fraud management capabilities. It is designed to provide flexible solutions to the complexities of the VoIP switching world.

The system provides detailed analysis, reporting and bill generation capabilities. It can flawlessly handle millions of CDR’s, support complex business requirements and payment mechanism. It must also seamlessly integrate with most accounting applications. It keeps track of customers, rating, billing, prices, services, provisioning, customer care and technical support. Equipped with advanced automated capability, the billing software provides reliable data in an array of customizable forms.

Essential features of an efficient VoIP billing software are Cross Browser Compatibility & Web 2.0 Application, Standard and Advanced VoIP Billing Functionality, Call Legs Selection, Real-time Monitoring and Alerts, Multiple Authentication Methods, Carrier Grade Reliability, Modular Architecture, Elaborate Reporting, Virtual Server Partitioning, High Call Capacity and Interoperability with a range of switching platforms. So, before you finalize your software, just make sure that it is compatible.

The system must satisfy the basic requirements of VoIP service providers who want their VoIP billing system to be compatible enough when it comes to scalability, reliability and safety. The customers must benefit from the compatibility and flexibility of the VoIP system as much the providers. A robust VoIP system ensures that requirements are met at both the ends.

The author of this article is associated with DTMF Networks, which offers softswitch rental as well as VoIP billing management services.


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VoIP Systems for Business and Office

VoIP for business is fast becoming the norm as opposed to the exception. VoIP or voice over IP transports conversation in a different manner than has been traditionally done in the past. The traditional analog signal is what most people use to receive and make phone calls and VoIP business phones are changing the telecommunications landscape and giving many businesses access to resources that was beyond their reach in the past.

What is VoIP?

Phone conversations are connected via a direct line between the caller and the receiver of the call. When the call is placed, the local LEC or local exchange carrier routes the call based on the number dialed. The call is then transmitted via an analog signal. VoIP phones transmit the signal in a different way. These phones transmit the call in the form of data packets. Much like a computer that communicates by sending and receiving data, VoIP phones send the call in the form of data packets. However, because communication must be sent in a continuous stream, there are certain configuration requirements to ensure that the call sounds seamless.

On most data networks, data is simply processed in the order it is received and if there is a bottleneck, the data will continue to transmit once the bottleneck is cleared. Although voice data packets will work in the same fashion, the audio quality of the call begins to suffer. This is because although all of the data packets will be transmitted, they may not get to their destination at the same time, creating what is called delay or jitter. In laymen’s terms, if the end of your conversation gets there before the beginning, your speech is not going to sound anything like the way it was spoken, often sounding like a cell phone out of range.

With VoIP business phones QoS, or quality of service, is implemented to insure that the voice data packets always have priority. This works as sort of a traffic cop directing traffic on the network. Regular data is allowed to go through until a VoIP call is made and then this “traffic cop” stops or slows other traffic and allows the voice call to go through first. In a properly configured network, problems with audio quality on a VoIP calls are kept to a minimum.

How Does VoIP for Business Provide Benefit?

Traditional voice circuits can be quite costly depending on the number of circuits and the call volume processed. VoIP phones minimize this cost by sending calls over the data network. Depending on the size of the network and the circuits, you can process these calls over the same circuits that you’re currently using to process data. This eliminates the need for traditional circuits limited to voice communications. In this way, a business can leverage the data network they already have to process both data and voice traffic. This provides more versatility to the business and allows the business to expand in ways where they were limited before.

One of the biggest benefits to VoIP for business is the ability for the workforce to work from any location. Teleworking has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years and saves the business money in terms of maintenance and cost of operations. If you’re currently running your business in Texas and want a presence in Ohio, you can simply hire someone and give them an extension in your phone system and allow access to the network. You don’t have to open a physical location in Ohio and yet you have personnel without all of the overhead costs associated with a traditional brick and mortar business.

The ability to have personnel in any location provides the business with more options and the ability to expand quickly with minimal cost. This is often the best way to “try out” a particular market without investing the time and effort it takes to procure real estate and set up a fully operational business.

Another issue that VoIP for business solves for many businesses is one of finding quality personnel. This allows the business owner to cast a wider net when recruiting quality associates. In this way, a business owner in a smaller town has access to employees in bigger markets with a broader talent pool.

VoIP for business provides even the smaller business owner with the ability to think big and expand. By leveraging resources that you’re already paying for, you are walking onto a larger playing field with many benefits that larger businesses enjoy. VoIP business phones are the vehicle by which any business can eliminate boundaries and limitations in relation to physical location thereby establishing a presence almost anywhere in the world. If you want to expand your business with minimal cost, then VoIP for business should be considered as a viable option to take your business to the next level and beyond.

I suggest you take the time to visit the website of Steve Mike levy at: If your looking to purchase an VoIP System you may also receive access to instant price quotes.


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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The Benefits of Using a VoIP Proxy Server

One of the ways in which we can set up a VoIP system is through what we call a proxy server. A proxy server simply means that when you make a request – either for a web page or in this case for a connection, you don’t directly contact the resource you want. Instead, you send the request to a middle man which makes the request on your behalf and then sends the results back to you. In a way, all VPNs work like this. You don’t actually request the web page – you send the request through another secure server which encrypts the traffic and routes it to you. The VPN system is one of the most secure ways to use your Internet connection and a proxy server provides the same benefits when using it with VoIP.

When you set up a VoIP system with a hosted PBX plan, you can get access to such a server with login credentials for every user who needs to make calls using it. Since all the VoIP activity by the people in your firm will pass through a single point, it makes it easy to consolidate data, evaluate usage, and make corrections. Remember that a user can utilize their VoIP number no matter which device they currently have in their hands. So unlike a regular PSTN and cell phone combination which are worlds apart, VoIP provides a one stop point for all telecommunication data to pass through.

This makes security very easy to configure since administrators merely have to secure the proxy server for it to be applied to every person. Indeed, security is one of the hallmarks of the proxy server model. Since no traffic goes directly to the end user from the outside world and travels only through the secure proxy, there’s no danger of viruses or any other kind of malware being transmitted to the devices of the end users. This shields them from malicious attacks which could otherwise steal sensitive information or make fraudulent calls in your account’s name.

Finally, the proxy server model is understood by every VoIP application on the planet. You can simply enter your proxy server’s name and credentials and have a working VoIP connection regardless of whether you’re using a computer, a smartphone or even a tablet. It’s accessible from any point which has an Internet connection, making international calls a snap.

Find out more about how you can leverage a proxy server to implement VoIP in your business by contacting your ITSP.

Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Affordable SIP Accounts. He also specializes in Best VoIP Phone Reviews.


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Where Is IP Telephony Headed?

Internet marketing and business transactions have evolved and adapted to the digital age. The borders between analog and digital data are slowly being blurred with the emergence of technologies like VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP is not actually new. It’s been around since the early 2000 but it was only around 2002 when its features changed into what it generally is now.

IP phone systems allow PC-to-phone or PC-to-PC calls and include features such as teleconferencing, caller ID, call forwarding, call waiting, and automatic callback (*69). As long as a user has a steady stream of Internet connection, then they can fully take advantage of the available 24 channels that makes it possible to do simultaneous calls and data transfers. It is currently one of the least expensive means of telecommuting for businesses in the US. Industry users such as small and large scale companies have stated that the main problem of IP telephony is the security risk that comes with using the Internet. But this June 2011, IP phone systems may have probably found the fix in needs to continuously and securely transfer/convert data.

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project shows that there has been an exponential increase in the use of PCs to make phone calls via applications like Skype or Yahoo Messenger. This means that there will be a steady increase in residential subscription of VoIP systems for the coming years. Businesses aren’t just the main pool of users now. The need for cheaper and faster means of communicating has greatly increased the demand for smaller scale versions of IP Telephony-thus technologies like Skype or GTalk. For users in households, phone systems are usually offered without ISP but now, the increased demand has given rise to what we all recognize as a mixed Internet data and voice system.

Industry developers have also foreseen the trend of mobile VoIP use with the trend of tablets and smart phones. IP telephony has been poking around the development of mobile applications that support the key features of VoIP. There is a requirement to have matching technical capacities between two IP phone system users which makes it difficult for smaller users to keep up with the latest upgrades because of costs. But with the forecast on mobile VoIP apps, problems of incompatibility should be lessened in a few years.

Countries, like Malaysia, who does not have the same large scale demand for IP phone systems similar to the US but, market sales still show big figures. This is because users of the country recognize the benefits of VoIP based on Open Source. Despite the necessity for more manpower and energy to operate with an Open Source, trends like the use of 3G phones that can instantly transfer data to the web makes it possible for this type of technology to dwell in such an environment.

Generally, VoIP phone systems are becoming a lot cheaper and more adapted to mobile use. The technology is headed towards this direction and industry developers see that further market development will prove to be advantageous for providers revenue-wise.

Digital South Communications
(813) 877-7733
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Clearwater, FL 33765


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Tips to Choose Hosted VOIP Service Provider

Voice Over Internet Protocol – VOIP is gaining popularity for long-distance communications, a cheaper alternate to phone calls. Using hosted VOIP solutions can cut your pone bills by 80%. This saving is in fact much more than what you will need to pay as one time installation cost initially. There are many VoIP service providers on the line and selecting right one is a matter of consideration. Besides they have so many options to choose from that it is not impossible that you end up paying for a wrong product. Here are some tips to help you on that front.

Requirement Analysis – You need to assess your exact requirement first. In fact you need to know if you really need to use hosted VoIP or not. You can know that by confirming if you really make too many long-distance calls. The VoIP might not prove a good decision if you do not have to make global calls on frequent basis. This is good for those who have contacts across borders and need to talk to them. If more than 50% of your traditional bills is spent on long-distance call, VoIP can help you cut that down to 10%. You can compare the charges on local calls and on that VoIP.

Customer Care – Don’t just jump for lowest priced hosted VOIP offer. It might cost you more later. The reason is the service providers who sell cheap products, often fail to provide after-sales services. They do succeed in attracting a lot of business, in fact as much as they can’t handle at all and customers suffer. So you need to make sure that you are contacting a reputed service provider. You can take counsel of your friends or clients before opting for one.

Customization – There may be several packages on the roll. Some might sound you very cheap, and some exorbitant, so let that not be the only criterion of selection. Check out the services they are offering with each packages and if you really need them. For example you should know if you will want to have a call-waiting option in your package, if you would like to have 3 way calling system, or if you really need to have fax facility in your package. So the package value will vary accordingly. Pick only what you really need, but make sure that you are not missing one which you really need.

Phone Number – Before you select a hosted VoIP plan, you need to make sure if the company allows you to keep your old number. Many companies do let you keep your old phone number, but many may not allow that feature. For those who have already distributed their contact numbers to several new, old and prospective clients can not afford to change it. Specially those who are running home business which entirely depend on their phone number only. You can’t risk losing customers for a VoIP. Certainly not. So make sure to choose one which let you keep your old number/s.

Emergency Services – Many VOIP allows emergency services or not. Many do, but many don’t. So there is no use lamenting on it later. Make sure it before you sign up.

For more information about ds1communications please visit Phone Systems Ft. Lauderdale and Office Phones Ft. Lauderdale.


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Predictive SIP Dialers and How They Can Benefit Call Centres

What it does, however, is to transfer the call data from the telephone network through an Internet line, in the process eliminating the need to pay for telephone communications and making business operations more efficient.

Using a predictive SIP dialer in a contact centre is a cost-effective way of increasing the productivity and efficiency of the company. Not only does it help call centres manage their calls, but it also eliminates skyrocketing telephone bills. Since the nature of a call centre’s operations revolve around telecommunications, this cheaper way to communicate can keep operations expenses low while keeping productivity high.

The best part is that this system does not count as a major investment since setup fees are minimal and there is no need for the call centre to shell out on any type of hardware. Aside from saving money, a predictive SIP dialer can also help a call centre save time in making calls by allowing them to broadcast messages simultaneously to a large group of people.

Some SIP dialer services offer an almost unlimited number of lines with speeds of up to 100 Mbps to allow several individual and concurrent calls. A contact centre or call centre using an SIP dialer can also offer expanded services including teleconferencing. This is due to the fact that an SIP dialer can be used in uni-cast mode, in which it broadcasts only between two parties, and in multi-cast mode, in which it broadcasts to several people. The multi-cast mode is used in initiating teleconference calls.

An SIP dialer can also take the guesswork out of evaluating call centre activities and performance by allowing the company to generate reports from the system and by integrating the software with the centre’s SQL database and CRM software. On top of all these, using such software can also serve as a security measure for the call centre, since an SIP dialer can also ensure that calls are perfectly secure.

In fact, this software can actually help protect a business from toll-fraud and other possible security problems. A call centre has the option to invest in an SIP dialer software license or to avail of an SIP dialer service instead. The latter option is advantageous as it also often come with other features packaged along with the software; these features often include training for contact centre staff and ongoing technical support

There are many SIP service providers around, some of which offer an impressive array of additional features, such as call recording, SMS sending, three-way calling, low-cost international calls, call scripting services, SIP trunking, SIP gateways, and web-based account management.

Visit my website to see how SIP Dialer software can drastically improve the efficiency of your call centre and also let you find the correct Predictive SIP Dialer Software to suit your business needs.


View the original article here

What Resources Do You Need to Set Up a VoIP System?

There are many options for implementing VoIP in your business. Because of the flexibility of the technology, you can choose what’s right for you and not subscribe to a single standard unlike the PSTN phone system. As with everything, there are advantages and disadvantages to each method. In this article, we focus on the choice to set up a VoIP system in house complete with all the hardware and software. You’ll see what it takes and what your options are if you don’t wish to go all the way.

Setting up a VoIP system

Apart from the equipment you need to have regardless of what system you choose such as VoIP enabled phones and an Internet connection, the most important component of your VoIP system will be a server. This is what will host the coordinating software which will connect your VoIP phones to each other, your offices and even the outside world which may not be VoIP based.

The server itself is specialized with ports etc which are unique to its purpose of serving and delivering VoIP. It has to be powerful and can cost quite a bundle. But having the server isn’t enough of course. You need to have something to run on it. Luckily, there are some powerful open source solutions you can install which won’t cost you anything to purchase, though setting it up accurately can be quite a pain.

Which leads us to the next requirement – technically competent manpower. If you’ve only had basic IT experience so far, you’ll have to hire people who know what they’re doing with VoIP. They have to configure the server, set up the VoIP infrastructure and maintain it. As you probably know by now, you have to manage your network after you’ve set up VoIP to ensure that you always have sufficient bandwidth to cater for your VoIP needs. This means your technical administrators will have to stay on their toes to take preventive action in case something seems to be going wrong.

It’s not difficult to see that setting up an in house VoIP system takes time, effort and cash. Not to mention expertise and experience. It’s not an enterprise which one sets out on without a lot of thought. For small and medium sized businesses it probably makes a lot more sense to outsource the setting up and management of the VoIP system to a hosted PBX service. Then all you have to do is ensure that your Internet connection is up to the mark and you can start making VoIP calls immediately!

Bhagwad is an expert consultant on creating a secure Secure SIP Proxy Servers. He also specializes in Mobile VoIP Server


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Mobile Phone Coverage and Signal FAQ

How can I check which provider offers signal in my area?

In the rush to explore the latest handsets features or discover a good deal on a new tariff, many people forget all about if a mobile phone provider is going to provide them with a good signal overall. Obviously, without good mobile phone coverage, a phone is pretty useless.

Obviously, as mobile phones are designed to be moved from place to place, no provider can guarantee signal in every single area you might travel, but that doesnt mean you cant figure out how well a certain provider might do in locations youre likely to be often, such as your own home or your office. Not every provider uses a different signal, but most of the big ones all have their own network, so just because you can get a good signal from Orange in your area doesnt mean youll automatically enjoy the same from Vodafone.

The best way to check signal is to go online and take a look at the mobile phone coverage checker of all the different phone companies. Each one should have a fairly detailed map of where they provide coverage, and while these arent ever 100% accurate they should be a good indicator of what you can expect.

Whats the difference between 2G and 3G signal?

2G and 3G simply stand for second and third generation, referring to the technology they use. These acronyms might sound confusing, but in reality they both perform a very a different function so its easy to remember. 2G signal is what every single handset in the UK uses by default to make calls, send and receive text messages and perform any other basic phone tasks. 2G coverage in the UK is very good, even in rural areas, so unless youre really out in the middle of nowhere your phone should be able to pick up at least some level of 2G signal.

3G signal isnt quite as easy to find, but its not as vital to your phones operation, either. 3G signal makes services like the internet on your phone much faster, and its what most modern smartphones like the iPhone rely on to provide data and information at a good speed. 3G normally allows you to use the internet at a similar sort of speed to a broadband connection, providing the signal is relatively strong. 3G isnt needed to make calls or get texts, but many modern phones are relying on it more and more.

How do I change my mobile provider?

If you arent bothered about keeping your mobile number, then changing your provider is as easy as finishing up your current contract and then going out and looking for a new provider. Once your contract period is up, you dont owe any sort of allegiance to any particular provider and are free to choose whatever one you think will give you the best deal. When doing this, mobile comparison websites and blogs can come in very useful.

If you do want to keep your number, then youll need to contact your old provider and tell them that you are leaving. Inform them that you wish to take your number with you and ask for a PAC number. If you give this number to your new provider, you can transfer your mobile number across to a new service. This service isnt always free though; some mobile providers may charge you a small fee.

Mobile Choices is all about giving consumers a wide range of relevant, up to date information about the mobile phone market, and allowing them to make their own decisions through unbiased guides, FAQs and comparison. The site details deals from every provider in the UK, as well as providing guides about everything from the top 10 smartphones to the best mobile phones under £100.


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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Satellite TV Service Is Good for You and Your Business

Most people only associate satellite TV with home entertainment, but it is actually used in many more places than that. One need only drive around town to see that there are satellite dishes everywhere, and not just on top of homes. They're also on top of all sorts of businesses too, including bars, beauty salons, restaurants, and more. If you have a business, you might want to consider signing up for this entertainment; you just might make more customers satisfied and thus improve your bottom line.

Satellite entertainment is effective for businesses in the exact same way that it's effective for homes: it's affordable and versatile. The first part is that it's affordable, costing only around $1 per day for dozens if not hundreds of channels. Those channels span a wide range of subject matter too, from nature documentaries to premium sports coverage, making it versatile. Let's face it, life isn't always as exciting as you'd like it to be, and that's what satellite service is for. When you sign up for it you will be able to tune into something interesting and exciting anytime, which means that there will never be a dull moment with that kind of entertainment around.

There's no doubting the fact that satellite is good for your home, but it may not actually always be good for your business. Whether it's good or not depends on the kind of business that you run. The general rule of thumb is that whenever you want to put your customers at ease and make them feel at home, you should probably make satellite TV available to them. At the same time though, you don't want to make something available that will end up distracting them when they don't want to be distracted. For example, if you're a lawyer working in a law office, you probably don't want to put satellite service in your meeting rooms. You want both you and your customer to not have to deal with any distractions when discussing serious matter that pertain to the law. If there's a waiting room though, you might want to consider throwing satellite TV in there because it could put customers at ease before they see you. Although that situation is not clear-cut, one kind of situation that is involves running a bar or restaurant. If you don't make interesting entertainment available at a bar or restaurant, customers might end up feeling bored. The last thing they want is to feel like nothing's happening, so it really benefits you to have satellite installed there.

There's also another aspect to consider that doesn't involve your customers as much as it involves you. Customers sometimes aren't sold on a product but instead are sold on the people that sell the products. If you make satellite TV available to you and your employees, everyone's likely to feel more at home and happier and that could translate into better interactions with customers, which in turn would increase your bottom line. As you can see, satellite can help out in a lot of different ways so why not sign up for it today?

You and your business can benefit by visiting

Satellite TV Programs Teach Americans Healthy Eating and Fitness Habits

Over the past half century, a lot of different factors have led Americans to develop increasingly unhealthy habits. Millions of people are obese, which is in part due to overeating, eating unhealthy foods, and an overall lack of exercise. As news about health statistics have spread, the American public has become much more interested in getting healthy, but many people don't know where to start. People are so accustomed to their everyday, unhealthy routines, that they don't know what kind of changes they need to make in order to fix things. Fortunately, many people are finding that they can get inspired and educated about getting fit by simply tuning into their satellite TV channels.

Americans have long been obsessed with health issues, but there has been a lot of misinformation over the years. All kinds of different fad diets have become very popular as people have looked for quick, easy fixes. Studies have shown, however, that none of those solutions work and that some effort and determination are necessary in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Once you've decided that you're ready to live healthily, then the next step you should take is to watch various health programs on your satellite TV.

One of the biggest lifestyle changes that most people will need to make is that they'll need to start cooking for themselves. Instead of just buying prepackaged and prepared foods, Americans can be a lot healthier by preparing their own meals. If you aren't very experienced with cooking, then it's a good idea to watch some cooking shows on your satellite TV. Many people feel overwhelmed about the idea of changing their eating habits, but in reality, it's possible to spend half an hour or less to cook a healthy meal that tastes great. There are specific programs that focus on teaching how to cook quick and healthy meals, so your best bet is to get started with some of those. As you cook your own food from fresh ingredients, it will be filled with many more nutrients and vitamins, and it will have much less saturated or trans fats.

Eating well is the first step that most people take when they decide to get healthy, and once you've been able to make those small changes successfully, it's time to start getting physically active. If you find that you get bored easily or that a lot of activity is too strenuous for you, then you should start out small by simply walking on a treadmill while watching satellite TV. By keeping yourself entertained, you'll be able to walk much longer than you otherwise would. You don't want to push yourself too hard at the beginning because you don't want to discourage yourself from continuing the healthy habits you're developing. After starting out small, you should progress to more difficult exercises as you begin to see progress. You can learn all kinds of fun fitness exercises by tuning into various programs on your satellite TV channels, and once you've mastered the basics, you'll be able to work out on your own. Before you know it, you'll be healthier and happier than you've been in years.

At you can get access to the programs you need so you can get in shape.

8 Tips To Ensure You're Getting The Best TV Package Deals

With prices what they are, you take a look at doing everything you can when comparing prices so you get the most value for your hard earned dollar. In today's economy, the Ben Franklin adage, "A penny saved is a penny earned." is more valid than ever. Since we take the time to compare prices at gas stations and at the grocery store so we're getting as much for our money as possible, it only makes sense to try to get the best value for our TV entertainment dollar by drilling down to the bottom line so we're confident we're getting the best TV package deals available.

Here are some tips you'll want to use to ensure your money is being well spent:

1. Take a look at the equipment deal you're getting to see if you're getting it for free or if you have to pay a rental fee for the set top boxes and remotes every month.

2. Comparing all of the channel package deals will enable you to make sure you're getting as many channels as you actually watch without getting a lot of "junk channels" in the process.

3. Some companies make you pay for HD so for the best TV package deals, make sure you don't have to pay any extra for HD programming.

4. Check to make sure installation of all of the equipment is free.

5. See what kinds of extra options you can get for free like a free DVR upgrade to get the best TV package deals.

6. One way to get the most value for your money is to take advantage of all the new technology available that expands the capability of your TV entertainment, so take a look at all the new things available.

7. Since you'll probably have to sign a 2 year contract, take the time to add up all of the costs and fees for both years so you'll know exactly how much each package costs, enabling you to find the best TV package deals.

8. Granted, all the TV providers will give you additional benefits like the best movie channel package free for a few months, you won't want to include the supposed cost into your bottom line numbers as you compare package deals.

Finding the best TV package deals does mean sitting down and doing some research. But by doing your research right, not only can you save some significant money over a two year contract but you'll also be able to get some truly great TV programming at the same time. You'll be amazed at just how great your TV entertainment is and just how much value you'll get for your TV viewing dollar.

Comparing cable and satellite companies is the best way to make sure you will find the best TV package deals available. Best TV for Me compares the best movie channel package deals, customer service, fees and much more from cable and satellite TV companies so you don't have to.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Sunday Funday: Five Films for Satellite TV Viewers

At the end of the week, those with television sets might feel more like staying in than going out. And the appeal of a Sunday Funday sitting at home, enjoying a classic film, is that there's not much effort involved. Ordering up some favorite delivery, picking the perfect movie option for the entire family, and then unwinding is something that is deserved, whether it's after a hectic weekend or still trying to step away from a hectic week. So for those with satellite tv who aren't quite sure what they want to watch, here are five excellent picks that will appeal to all types.

1. Harry Potter. Any one of these is an excellent choice, especially considering the fact that it is good to catch up on what has already happened before experiencing the final installment in theaters. Watching the actors grow up and the plotlines get a bit darker and pertinent to current political times is only part of the fun, as the special effects and the desire to create another world worth visiting more than happens. Best viewed on an HDTV screen at home.

2. Amelie. Sometimes, a great romantic film is all that it takes to feel a whole lot better. And when it comes to true romance that manages to deftly sidestep failures and quirks, this French film has it going on. It's held up stunningly, has plenty of cute moments without feeling overly saccharine, and will literally warm even the coldest of hearts.

3. Raging Bull. Picking a Scorcese film is always a good idea, and with so many on satellite tv to choose from, going to the usual suspects might initially be appealing. But the fact is that checking out Robert DeNiro in this incredible performance is a must-see, and with incredible editing by Thelma Schoonmaker, Scorcese's long-time collaborator, cinema has never looked more impressive.

4. Midnight in Paris. A Woody Allen film on nostalgia manages to hit it bigger than his old works, and really warm one's heart while showing the beauty of living abroad, the narrow-mindedness of particular types of snobs, and just how much Allen needs to continue working in this style. Owen Wilson plays him better than he ever played himself, too. It's a romantic story, an homage to the past, and a reminder that sometimes, the good old days were just as bad. It's definitely something that Francophiles and Allen fans need to revisit on satellite tv, regardless of the hour of the day.

5. The Graduate. For those who haven't seen this film recently, it's something well worth watching a second time. The actual plotline of Mrs. Robinson is so much more than a seductive femme fatale, which is something lost in the countless different send-ups and parodies of this that exist. And a young Dustin Hoffman gives an incredible performance as an awkward young man fresh out of college, with all the resource in the world, and absolutely no incentive. It's easy to find on satellite tv, and something pertinent for all eras. makes having access to a wide variety of films for days off something that's fun and easy.

Advantages of Direct-To-Home Satellite Television

Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Television has revolutionized the way television viewing is prevalent in the country. One can see his favorite programs in High Definition picture quality with CD quality sound effects.

DTH has enabled people to add a personal touch to their experience of television viewing. They can now choose and create their own customized list of channels they want on their screens. Moreover, they only have to pay for the channels they selected. As a result, they are able to streamline their preferences and optimize on their bills. For convenience, most of the DTH operators have already created channel packages for different segments.

DTH services include a feature called interactive television. It has expanded the use of television to an extent that people can play games, watch their personal videos, listen to music CDs, etc. on the television.

People need to visit any of the DTH service providers and apply for the membership. They normally provide different membership plans for varying requirements. One can choose the plan that suits the requirement or else can make a special request. The service providers also provide the facility of renewing membership online. One can also take a different plan at the time of renewal. These plans are normally available on annual basis.

There is another feature that allows people to restrict viewing of certain channels by children. They can enter a password and lock those channels. As a result, one need not worry about what kids are watching behind ones back. Apart from this, one can also choose and pay for a movie slot and avoid missing out on his favorite movie.

Intense competition in the satellite television industry has led operators introduce many promotional offers to gather maximum membership. These offers are normally attractive in terms of cost and benefits and can be bought online. Free subscription to popular channels for a particular time period is a common promotional offer these days.

DTH has eliminated the role of cable operators who earlier acted as middlemen and took satellite television to different households. People had to face the trouble of running after them for problems like unclear signals and an abrupt interruption of the broadcast due to power cuts. Some of them even had the audacity of clipping movie frames to shorten the movie time. All these evils of cable television got erased with the advent of DTH services on a large scale.

Monday, 22 August 2011

iPhone 5

With just weeks to go before Apple unveils the next iPhone this fall, the iPhone 5 rumors continue to fly fast and furious. Will it have a completely new design with a larger screen or just be a slightly modified version of the iPhone 4 (the iPhone 4S) with enhanced parts and various tweaks? Will there be a smaller, lower-cost iPhone?

We’ll know soon enough. But that hasn’t stopped me from updating this list of most-wanted features one last time with information gleaned from the arrival of iOS 5, as well as other titillating bits of information that surface almost every day. (I originally posted this column the day after the iPhone 4 launched, which is why you see a lot of comments dating back to June of last year.)


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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Navigation Systems: Weighing a Professionally Installed Car GPS Against a Store-Bought Model

Maps are quickly becoming a thing of the past as we rely more and more on GPS navigation systems in our cars. While some die-hard fans of paper navigation may be sad to see the good old atlas go, many of us welcome the new age of the mobile navigation system. For those of us who have cars that did not come off the lot with a navigation system installed, though, there remains the question of what type of system to get. Should we buy a portable device that we plug in and position ourselves each time we get in the car? Or should we get an auto navigation system installed permanently in our vehicle? While both choices have their fans, permanent installation of a car GPS system offers a number of practical and aesthetic benefits over removable systems.

Looking first at the physical nature of these two types of systems, consider how much easier it is to use a mobile navigation system that is in a consistent, fixed location than it is to use one that you have to fiddle with and adjust during each trip. With a portable model, you usually have to mount the device on the windshield or dash using a mount provided by the manufacturer. While these mounts work most of the time, they can fall off or get knocked accidentally, leaving you scrambling to hear and see vital directions. Navigation systems that are permanently installed dont come with that risk. Youll never have to worry about an integrated system falling down or getting jostled, and youll be able to use the touch-screen features without fear of pressing too hard and dislodging the device. Prior to installation, you can also work with your mobile electronics professional to optimally place your GPS screen exactly where you need it for maximum convenience and visibility, instead of having to position and adjust it every time you get in the car as with portable models.

Apart from these practical considerations, there are also aesthetic elements to consider when weighing a portable GPS against a fixed one. A portable device will usually have to be connected to the in-dash power source via an external cord (much like an car cellphone charger). This cord, taken along with a stand-alone navigation screen that is mounted incongruously somewhere on the dash, definitely impacts the look of your car interior and creates a sense of clutter. Overall, a portable GPS device communicates an “unfinished” look. An in-dash GPS navigation system, on the other hand, creates a streamlined appearance. Automotive electronics professionals can integrate an in-dash car navigation GPS with your vehicles structure so that it looks like it was part of the original design. For anyone who cares about the appearance of their car or truck and likes to cultivate a sense of professionalism in their life, an integrated navigation system definitely beats the portable option when it comes to looks.

As car GPS devices become more and more a part of modern life, were faced with various choices regarding what type of system to opt for in our cars. While mobile systems can work fine for some people, a fixed navigation system offers a level of practical convenience and polish that makes it stand out from the crowd.

Maria Allen drives a customized Ford Mustang and is an Internet marketing specialist for Prospect Genius, a provider of online local advertising.


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Samsung Omnia I900 Review


Now that the dust of the Diamond vs. Omnia PocketPC battle settles down, our up close and personal look at the rivals continues with Samsung i900 Omnia. Slick looks, great feature-pack and ingenious software solutions are things that hold true for the i900 Omnia in the same extent as for the Diamond.

And since the Samsung i900 Omnia boasts loads of character and personality it’s no wonder it holds the crowd hooked ever since it was announced. The first five megapixel Windows Mobile cameraphone has inspired quite a following and now that it’s already market available in Europe we are more than happy to welcome the Omnia back after a well deserved breather. Well then, we’ve seen it race, let’s watch it cruise.

Key features:

Quad-band GSM support
3G with HSDPA 7.2 Mbps
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional OS
624MHz Marvell PXA312 CPU and 128 MB RAM
3.2? 65K-color touchscreen with resolution of 240 x 400 pixels
5 megapixel autofocus camera with wide dynamic range mode, face tracking, smile detection, geotagging
8 to 16 GB of storage memory, microSD expansion
Built-in GPS receiver with A-GPS
Stereo Bluetooth and USB connectivity
FM radio with RDS
Optical joystick with virtual mouse functionality
Built-in accelerometer for auto screen rotation and call muting
Solid build and great finish
Slick design and slim body
Nice battery life
Fast response and performance
Excellent thumb-optimized software package
Thumbable virtual QWERTY keyboard with optional landscape mode
TouchWiz UI
DivX video support right out of the box
Above average audio quality
Headset comes with a 3.5mm audio jack

Main disadvantages:

No stylus slot
Poor sunlight legibility
Memory card not hot-swappable
Non-standard display resolution
No dedicated 3D accelerator
Non-standard USB port
Web browser lacks real Flash support

The PocketPC mid-season may as well be a hush before the storm with the HTC Touch Pro and Xperia waiting to be unleashed. But for now we have two other bitter rivals to keep us busy: Samsung i900 Omnia and HTC Touch Diamond. It truly is a great achievement for Samsung to have a gadget fit to stand up to the top PocketPC manufacturer HTC.


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Power Over Ethernet: What It Means For VoIP

The enterprise IP telephony hype has quieted down during recent times, and now, silently, implementations have begun VoIP. One indication that enterprise deployments of IP telephony systems are gaining momentum is the fact that all manufacturers have stopped investing in PBXs and have devoted development resources to IP technologies VoIP. However, when end users begin installing their shiny new IP phones, they’ll likely scratch their heads looking for that extra AC outlet to connect each phone, not to mention a cost-effective solution to cope with occasional AC power outages. Here’s where a new technology called Power over Ethernet (PoE), also known as Power over LAN, comes in handy VoIP.
Running power and data communication on the same cabling plant is an almost trivial concept, one that has been taken for granted for the last 126 years in analog telephony VoIP. But it is new to the LAN VoIP. Before PoE technology, IP telephones required two connections: one to the enterprise LAN and another to the electrical AC network. But now, enterprises using PoE can create an integrated data, voice, and powered network VoIP. The idea is simple, but its implications are enormous: Using the standard Ethernet network infrastructure and cabling, electrical power is added and distributed to drive connected IP telephones, wireless LAN access points, network cameras, and can even be used to extend battery life on a notebook computer VoIP.
With PoE, IP telephony becomes more reliable and cheaper to install, enabling enterprise companies to save thousands of dollars on their communications infrastructure VoIP. Outside of the office, PoE can be used in smart homes, integrated in Internet access on airplanes, trains and in public areas like airports, theatres, and conference halls, offering a universal power standard for traveling users VoIP.

Reliability of VoIP is key

One of the crucial issues that slowed the adoption of VoIP systems is the issue of reliability VoIP. Companies witnessed the dramatic impact on productivity of the network server being unavailable to the workforce, and the prospect of the telephone system being down with the same regularity was enough to dissuade many companies from making the move VoIP. By supplying power over the same cable as the data network, these systems can now deliver the kind of reliability expected from a business-class phone system VoIP.

PoE technology saves the time and cost of installing separate power cabling, AC outlets, and wall warts VoIP. It further eliminates the need for a dedicated Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) for individual devices connected to the Ethernet VoIP. So, in a VoIP installation it is possible to centrally back-up IP telephones in the event of a power failure VoIP.
Everyone has high expectations of voice service availability VoIP. A common goal is to consistently achieve 99.999 percent availability with 5.3 minutes of downtime per year or less VoIP. By connecting a UPS to a PoE mid-span in the communications room, the entire IP telephony network becomes more reliable and ensures continuous operation during a power outage VoIP.

Simple Installation VoIP

The key issue of implementation relates to handsets, which have long been a problem with VoIP. While they generally offer more functionality than a standard handset they also require power, unlike traditional phones that draw power from the connection. This can make it difficult to install some phones VoIP. PoE eliminates this problem because 802.3af-compliant telephones can be installed without requiring an additional power cable VoIP. VoIP phone vendors also benefit from a worldwide standard in cabling — RJ45, so they do not need to make different plugs in order to sell their products in different countries VoIP.
PoE offers a simple means for the installation of IP phone handsets by eliminating the need for a separate Ethernet link and dedicated AC power outlet VoIP. The IP phone is plugged into the Ethernet switch and the midspan from which it gets data and power and the PC is connected to an Ethernet port on the phone VoIP. The expectation is that simplifying the installation of VoIP will accelerate adoption of both PoE and VoIP given the rapid and easily calculated ROI of the technologies VoIP.

IEEE 802.3af

At the urging of several vendors in mid 1999, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) formed a taskforce to standardize an approach for passing power over Ethernet, the most widely implemented data networking specification. The taskforce, called 802.3af, is run under the auspices of the 802.3 workgroup, the same group that developed the original Ethernet specification. While I was writing this article, Draft 4.3 of the standard was approved by the IEEE Standards Board on June 12, 2003, and was to be published on or before July 11, 2003, as “802.3af-2003.” VoIP The new standard also specifies the way to build Ethernet power sourcing equipment (PSE) and powered terminals VoIP.
In environments where an existing Ethernet switch has been installed and is providing VoIP Quality of Service capabilities, there is no need to purchase and install a new Ethernet switch to provide PoE functionality VoIP. In this case, the simplest means to power the IP phones over the LAN infrastructure is to add a dedicated external PoE mid-span. The advantages include savings in installation costs and preservation of existing infrastructure while supporting pre-standard as well as IEEE 802.3af standard terminals VoIP.


It will be interesting to observe the rate of adoption of VoIP technology now that this fundamental barrier to implementation has been removed. In my humble opinion, PoE technology will accelerate greatly the adoption of IP telephony among enterprise organizations looking to reap the benefit of a significant and immediate cost savings by coupling PoE and VoIP.


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Telephone Systems Maintenance – Keeping Your Costs Down

If youre budget conscious – and which business isnt in these tough economic times? – Here are a few things related to telephone systems maintenance that may help you make the most of your office telephony systems and how you view their maintenance:

As you can see there are lots of things to take into consideration when trying to reduce your telephone maintenance costs.

John A Darby is a Director of Telcare ( ) a customer-focused telecoms provider that can take care of all your Kent business telephone systems needs, from giving advice through to installation and ongoing care and maintenance.


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How to Disable DHCP on a Linksys Router

The article intends to describe the procedure of disabling DHCP on a Linksys router. The methods described in the article are reliable and correct to the date. It is still recommended that users follow the instructions carefully in order to avoid facing any common Linksys router problem.

All the wireless routers including Linksys use DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) to obtain the IP (internet protocol) address for a connected device like computer or router etc. DHCP facilitates a user by minimizing the efforts involved in manual network configuration that requires device(s) to be plugged into the network and then removed.

You may want to disable the DHCP function in your Linksys router due to unwanted network issues, troublesome VOIP network, or the need of connecting another router among other reasons. Below is the comprehensive guide that will help you disable the DHCP function in your Linksys router without the help of Linksys router support.


If it is a wireless connection that you are using on your computer, then make it a wired connection by connecting an Ethernet cable with one end running into the computer and the other in the router.
Open up your internet browser, enter ‘‘ (without quotes and as is) in the address bar of the browser, and hit Enter on the keyboard to reach the login page.

When the router login page comes up, enter your user name and password in the respective fields and click on the OK or Login button (whatever you see there) to proceed to the router settings. It is to must to enter the correct credentials like username and password. Failing of which will not let you login and access the router configuration settings. Usually the default username is blank in Linksys routers and the password is ‘admin’. However, it is strongly recommended that you check your documents (manual) that came with the router before entering anything.

Once logged into the router configuration, click on the Setup tab or option. Click to select Disable under Network Setup in the Basic Setup tab. Click on the Save Settings button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

You may also see a DHCP tab or a DHCP Server check box in your router configuration page depending on the version or type of firmware you have in your router. If you see DHCP Server with an option next to it to enable or disable, then click on the Disable button. Click on the Apply button to save the changes and exit all the windows to let the changes take place.

Additional Tips:

You may also setup an Access Point instead of disabling the DHCP function in your Linksys router.

V tech-squad Inc. is a leading provider of online technical support, virus removal, home networking support, phone support, and Linksys router support. V tech-squad has a team of certified technicians who cumulatively have more than 100 years of experience in desktop support. You can reach V tech-squad online technical support at their Toll Free No +1-877-452-9201 For US/CA


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Investing in Green Voice Technology: Its Not a Cost – Its an Investment

Companies everywhere all have one major aspect in common when running a business. Voice technology is a requirement to operate business and communicate with customers, suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, and internal operations. Most business owners consider the need to pay for their voice technology as a cost instead of an investment. Nevertheless, what such business owners do not realize is that when they purchase voice technologies, especially green voice technology, an investment in their business future is being made

Green Voice Technology IS an Investment, NOT a Cost

However, there is a way to change this belief and by understanding the need for voice technology, business owners everywhere can better realize the good their investments are doing for their businesses and bottom line. When a company purchases voice technology, or more specifically green technology, they are investing in that business future and abilities to be able to conduct business in a cost efficient – and energy efficient – manner, thus saving the company even more energy and directly contributing to the bottom line. This savings can then be translated into an increased reinvestment in the business, where the savings cycle becomes very apparent.

When translating that investment into voice technology, the savings overall are increased tenfold. For example, think about how much your company spends on electricity every month, especially during the summer and winter months. Now, think about the type of Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and Unified Communications (UC) services that your company is utilizing. Businesses tend to adopt and utilize UC and PBX systems and solutions since it is a powerful and cost effective solution, which appears to save on the bottom line.

Switching to Green PBX and UC Solutions

Now, imagine using an MX250 IP PBX system. This telephony system not only provides you and your business with the technology it needs to communicate globally, but it also runs much more efficiently than any current technology. In fact, the MX250 system is designed to offer business owners numerous timesaving features while reducing electricity usage and costs at the same time. In fact, the MX250 telephony system is designed to use much less energy than an average light bulb does in the home. With the single server design offered, this could translate to the need for fewer servers to run your UC requirements, translating into greater energy savings while reducing costs and still providing effective Unified Communication technology to help any business or organization communicate.

Zultys is the premiere provider of green voice technology, innovative unified communication and enterprise SIP solutions, bringing steep cost savings to businesses with a reduced carbon footprint and healthier environment. Zultys MX250 Enterprise-Class IP PBX offers a feature-rich enterprise-class business IP telephone system supporting VoIP and unified communication services for up to 250 users.


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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Purchasing a New Office Telephone System

The cost of a new office telephone system may be surprisingly modest, however, not even the largest companies typically regard it as something to be taken lightly.

Its sometimes useful to think about the purchase in a number of different ways:

what new capabilities are you hoping to get out of it – in other words, what do you hope to do in future that you cannot do today;what problems are you trying to fix by installing a new office telephone system;is your business fixed in scope or do you have ambitions to grow;how critical is it (will it be) to your business – i.e., how long could you survive without serious business damage, if your phone system was unavailable to you;do you wish it to integrate with other forms of technology you are considering (e.g. video conferencing, VOIP etc);is it essentially to be used for external communications or will it play a large part in your own internal operations (switching between sites, voice mail, call re-routing and follow-me etc)?

This list is not, of course, comprehensive. There is a well-defined process behind the analysis of requirements of an office telephone system, which should be conducted before you start to focus on a perceived solution.

If you do not feel well equipped to perform this yourself, it may be advisable to find a telecoms solution provider who can help you with it.

Of course, there has been no mention in the above of budgets and costs.

Thats intentional because thinking too quickly about cost may incline you to lose sight of what youre seeking to achieve.

Nobody doubts that budgets today are tight and cost is an important consideration. However, the system that appears to be the cheapest in price tag terms may not prove to be the cheapest for you in the medium term if it fails to deliver against your expectations.

The cost of your system will inevitably prove to be a factor in your decision. Making an informed decision, however, to compromise against your stated requirements for cost reasons is one thing – unintentionally doing so just because you were seeking the cheapest solution may be something else and something that is far more prejudicial to your chances of achieving a successful outcome.

So, when selecting a new office telephone system, start first with your requirements and a list of things you simply must have and then think about prices!

Lisa Settle is a Director of Telcare ( ) a customer-focused telecoms provider that can take care of all your business telephone system needs, from giving advice through to installation and ongoing care and maintenance.


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Sat Phone – When To Rent, When To Buy

A sat phone is not a heavy, hard to carry contraption anymore. Just like many other types of technological devices, these have become much sleeker and incredibly attractive. Thankfully these handy items have also gotten much more affordable also. They will still cost more than a fancy Smartphone, but can be worth every penny when you need to make contact from someplace that offers absolutely no mobile or terrestrial phone service.

It shouldnt be surprising that many exciting vacation destinations dont have cell service available. Everyone from time to time dreams of getting away from it all, but few want to be so far away that they have no means of communications. It is situations like this that can really intensify decisions that require you to spend upwards of a grand, only to be used for a few weeks, therefore voiding the justification of such a purchase, when a rental will serve the purpose better.

An exotic once in a lifetime trip to someplace wild and remote is definitely an occasion for renting a sat phone. A sat phone can be rented for well under a hundred dollars a week, and is a strong connection to the outside world no matter where you are. It is possible to even find a rental that will cost around 30 dollars for the week. That is pretty cheap when you consider it a lifeline for a “just in case” scenario.

If you are considering going the route of renting a sat phone there are a few steps you will need to take. Like most anything else that you want to shop around for, looking on the web for prices and info is a good idea. Armed with info from the web will help a lot in choosing a company to rent with. It is easy to compare prices from a variety of companies. There will be the cost for a rental fee as well as usage charges to look at.

You should allow extra time to ensure that the satellite phone renting process goes smoothly after you have decided what company to choose. They will generally require the proper forms of ID like drivers licenses and passports. Fill out all the necessary application paperwork and do this carefully and pay attention to the fine print and understand what each clause and term being used means before you sign the application papers. After all the forms have been processed and accepted you can expect to receive your phone in the mail within a few days.

A Satellite phone is not big or bulky anymore. Just like Wireless internet is less prohibitive and more available now.


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Should You Consider Video Conferencing?

There is no doubt that video conferencing can be an essential tool for your company. Companies across the globe have started to invest in this software as a way to continue to expand their levels of communication and impact as well. Of course, just like any businesses tool, you are going to find that there are benefits that are associated with a product. While the most obvious is the fact that you save money on travel, there are some other benefits that you are going to find.

Perhaps the biggest benefit is the fact that people all through your company can connect and share their realm of knowledge. This is all done from a single location and in turn it can help your employees to get a better understanding of your job as well. While you are going to find that the training process for the video conferencing might take a little time, there is going to be no doubt that everyone will be able to benefit from the process.

This reduction in travel will also bring about better productivity in your business as well. When travel is cut down and the employee can handle meetings from their desks, they can spend more time handling the projects that are going to be required of them. That will help to improve the effectiveness of your business as well.

Another thing you are going to find is that the tools that are associated with the video conferencing equipment is going to be important as well. These tools are going to be items that help you to convey information in a more effective manner. They will typically include white boards and even chat windows that will allow people to ask questions, without disturbing the actual presentation.

With all the different benefits that are associated with this software, there is no doubt that the average business is going to benefit from the use of video conferencing. Keep in mind that while you are considering these options, you are going to want to look at some of the different packages and pieces of equipment that can be used for this process.

No matter if you are a start up business or one that has become established in the world, you are going to find that video conferencing is going to benefit you. Take the time to consider how each package is going to be able to reduce the overall cost that will be associated with this process and you should start to find that there are effective solution available to you.

Remember, communication is going to be essential for the success of any company. Make sure that you take your time to explore all the options that you are going to have with this process. There are a number of exceptional options that will be available to you and each will help you to run your business in a more effective manner.

To get video conference equipments and LCD projector, visit ESCO Audio Visual now.

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The content is our own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of ESCO Audio Visual.


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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Samsung Galaxy I7500 Review

A new addition to the plethora of android mobile handsets is the Samsung Galaxy series. This is Samsung's first android handset and five of its best so far. It combines style with great features and display and web connectivity.Cell Phone

This new phone from Samsung sports a slim and sleek look. However, the Galaxy is made of plastic and therefore fingerprints tend to accumulate on the surface. This is obvious when you take the mobile out in to the sunlight. Keep cleaning it if you need to maintain a new and stylish look.

The Samsung Galaxy or Samsung i7500 is also known by its model number as the Samsung i7500. Samsung Galaxy or Samsung i7500 Mobile Phone Review,Cell Phone, features and specification.

Coming over to the key pad, the Galaxy i7500 has a D-pad with 4 main keys surrounding a centrally located OK button. The keys aid different functions like switching over to phone menu, locking and unlocking the display, ending action and so on. It is easy to use and self explanatory.

The phones 3.2 inch AMOLED screen has a resolution of 320x480 pixels and comes with a light sensor which enables you to set the screen brightness according to the environment. The screen has 16 mln color support which guarantees you superior picture quality.

The Samsung Galaxy or Samsung i7500 sports a virtual key board which enables users to type text with ease.Cell phone The key board is in the QWERTY format and can be used in both portrait and landscape modes. Turn on vibration or sound features to enable you to receive a better feel of the whole typing task. It feels like typing on a computer or lap top. phone book has several chilled features which enables users to store a lot of data per contact. Users can save names, e-mail and postal addresses, chat names, company names, positions etc of each contact. You can sync contacts to your Google account. The phone book also has an option which enables users to divert calls from definite numbers to voice mail.

Cell phone the Samsung i7500 phone`s calendar can also be synched to Google and has features which allows the user to view their daily, weekly or monthly agenda. Important dates and events can be highlighted and events which recur can be tracked. The phone also has a standard calculator.

The interface is based on Android 1.5 and makes up for a lot of shortcomings in the Android 1.0 version.
The Samsung Galaxy i7500 has an stunning and easy to understand home screen. It consists of five pages though. You can add widgets, shortcuts and applications to your home page. Navigation between the five ages is easy and all five pages have the same wall paper.Cell phone This should ease confusion.

The phone has a 3.5 mm jack and micro USB port on its upper side. It is discreet and convenient and does not interfere with the style.

When it comes to capturing videos, this model is below par. It's a resolution of about CIF (352x288). This is not much. Picture quality is therefore not lovely although, overall quality is not bad. The Samsung Galaxy i7500 has features like additional microphone and lovely sound quality so the videos sound great of this cell phone

People who frequently use the net will enjoy the Galaxy's samsung i7500 unparalleled browsing experience. Pages load fast and the user can book mark pages, add to favorites, copy or paste data, search fort text within a page and so on.

Nokia E71 Review

The phones are generally filled with applications & features which are geared towards people who travel & require to be in touch with colleagues & associates at all times, as well as being able to retrieve email and internet browsing from anywhere they may be, Cell Phone. The Nokia E71 is no exception, the functions & capabilities of this new phone are varied & extensive so that you are able to do anything from complete business transactions to playing games to watching movies, all from four simple gadget.

 The phone features a full QWERTY keyboard which allows for computer applications & email to be used easily & efficiently with no tying problems & layout confusions, while there remains the selection of fast action, hot keys for easy access through the menu when needed. Even with the keyboard, the phone weighs only 127 grams & remains sleek, slim & stylish for effortless transport & accessibility.Cell Phone.

There is a built in 3.2 mega pixel camera which has videoing capabilities as well as flash, zoom & auto focus. Even though the Nokia E71 may be designed for business use mainly, it can be used for lots of different activities as well. The complete array of features & applications that the phone contains makes the Nokia E71 the finest specimen to emerge from the entire Nokia E series to date.

The Nokia E71 smart phone has great connectivity features with a full WIFI, 3G & HSDPA connection which allows internet connectivity, email downloading & gaming to be fast & easy with lower lag & delay rates than are normally found.Cell Phone , The internet application is also able to be linked with all the major options such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail & Microsoft, allowing business men to push email quickly to their phones through preset notifications. The phone also boasts high quality GPS tracking program installed which is equipped with the Nokia Maps application which can be used to map routes, get directions, addresses & locations quickly & easily. As well as all the business related features & applications, mobile phone deals for the Nokia E71 phone are appropriate for people of all different ages & interests. The music player is able to download, store & transfer lots of different modern music formats as well as being able to tune in to FM radio wherever you are. Cell Phone
The Nokia E71 smart phone was one of the most widely anticipated Smart phones to date, & with the whole range of gadgets & technology that has been used on this four phone, people are now discovering the true brilliance of this particular phone. The Mobile phone deals that are available for all of the E Series from Nokia are directed mainly towards people in business.

Nokia N97 Review

A new smartphone in the Nokia N-series will be coming out in January '09, the Nokia N97, & already all the buzz is whether or not this will be the iPhone Killer that's been prophesied for so long.Cell Phone, Here is a heads-up on how the four devices stack up.

On the face of it, the Nokia N97 looks more like the iPhone than any other Nokia to date. It's got the slender candybar shape (more slender than the iPhone's, in fact) the minimalist buttons (two instead of one) & the 3.5" touchscreen occupying the bulk of the face.Cell Phone

In the hand, you come to realize that, while slimmer, the N97 is also thicker & heavier than the iPhone.

While possessing the same size touchscreen as the iPhone, the N97's screen resolution puts the iPhone's to shame, with 16:9 true widescreen (640 x 360 pixels) to the iPhone's 3:2 (320 x 480). So for multimedia & video playback, gaming, & photo managing,Cell Phone, the N97 comes out well on top of the iPhone.

hereas both the iPhone & the Nokia N97 support most audio & video formats, theN97 has the added advantage of supporting Flash Lite, Flash Video & Windows Media 9.

This Flash support isn't to be undervalued, as it will permit Nokia N97 users to render web pages a lot more  than the iPhone 3G is currently able.Cell Phone, The iPhone also lacks browser-based Java support; the N97 may or may not, it is still unclear.

The digital camera on the Nokia N97 is also far superior to the iPhone's (and to those of most other smartphones currently on the market) with 5-megapixels, Carl Zeiss optics, an LED flash, & DVD-quality video recording with built-in video lighting.

The iPhone still has that meager 2-megapixel relic with neither a built-in flash nor manual focus.  The N97 also beats the iPhone in memory - both in the way of onboard storage (32 GB vs. 8 GB or 16 GB) & expandable memory (up to the 16 GB extra vs. none at all).

The most noticeable difference between the N97 & the iPhone is that the Nokia has a slideout QWERTY keyboard in addition to its Apple-comparable touchscreen keypad.Mobile phone
Both the iPhone & the Nokia N97 have built-in GPSs (the iPhone's including 3rd party geo-location apps & GoogleMaps, the N97's including an electronic compass & NokiaMaps).

Both have HSDPA, Bluetooth, & WiFi connectivity.
 No three can expect, however, that the Nokia store will ever be able to offer N97 users the range & variety of smartphone apps that the iTunes App Store offer iPhone users.

Though prices have yet to be released,  in US dollars, it seems clear at least that the Nokia N97, with all its advantages over the iPhone,Cell Phone will also cost more to purchase than the iPhone.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Hannspree Hannsjoy TV Review

If you’ve got a heart- or a child - you’ve got to have a soft spot for Hannspree. For while the brand doesn’t generally trouble the higher end of our performance quality scale, it certainly knows how to have a bit of fun where design is concerned. 

Among past glorious excesses on the Hannspree CV can be found TVs designed in the shape of footballs, oversized fruit, safari animals, and even Cinderella’s coach. Compared with these delightfully bonkers efforts, we guess the brand’s new HANNSjoy TV is a bit normal - despite it’s unashamedly evocative name. Compared with the rest of the TV world, though, there’s still plenty for ‘black TV haters’ to get excited about, given the HANNSjoy’s bold, ultra high-gloss finish and two striking colour options: deep red and bright white. 

There is one concern with its design, though, namely that it doesn’t look quite as wide as a normal widescreen TV should. Further investigation reveals that it is indeed built to a 16:10 aspect ratio rather than the usual 16:9, with a 1,920x1,200 pixel count rather than the usual 1,920x1,080.This is troubling on two counts. First, it’s going to mean that the TV won’t be able to show normal 16:9 programmes without either digitally manipulating them to fill the frame, or else leaving black bars above and below them. Second, 1,920x1,200-ratio screens tend to be associated more with the PC monitor than the TV market, making us wonder if the panel at the TV’s heart has been built for PC use first and TV use second. While quality PC monitors are arguably more colour accurate than TVs, cheap monitors can be pretty ropey and certainly aren't optimised for video viewing. 

Getting back to positives, the HANNSjoy will also appeal to bargain hunters on account of it costing just £199. Not bad at all for a TV that looks cute and sports a 28in screen.

Of course, though, as noted earlier, Hannspree TVs haven’t generally set the world alight with their performance. So for the reasonably quality-motivated buyer likely to be reading this article, just looking different and not costing much is certainly not a case of ‘job done’ for the HANNSjoy. It also needs to be at least half decent with its features and performance.

It only gets off to a pretty average start where features are concerned by not including any USB sockets among its connections. Given the HANNSjoy’s likely potential as a second-room TV, not providing some quick means of playing back AV files stored on USB sources, especially digital photos, is a pity. 

Otherwise we guess the connection count is pretty par for the course for a budget 28in TV.  There are a couple of HDMIs, a component video input, a single Scart, and perhaps best of all, a VGA input. Being able to double the TV up as a PC monitor makes its £199 price look even better potential value.There are some other promising specs on the TV’s feature list, too. One is a claimed 3ms response time, which looks unusually speedy by cheap TV standards. Another is a claimed dynamic contrast ratio of 10,000:1. It’s not unusual by any means to find small, budget TVs not offering a dynamic contrast system at all, never mind one able to deliver a contrast ratio - sorry, a CLAIMED contrast ratio - as high as 10,000:1.

Two final pleasant surprises are Hannspree’s offer of a two-year collect and return warranty on the TV, and a claimed 2 x 10W of audio power from the speakers that’s markedly higher than the measly figures usually associated with cheap, small TVs.

Heading into the onscreen menus, while decently attractive and quite legible, they’re certainly not overburdened with features. There are a few picture presets, an X-Contrast feature for boosting backlight adjustment and an unusual but actually welcome feature for adjusting the amount of time the onscreen menus stay on screen. Otherwise it’s pretty much just the basics.

Although the onscreen menus are pretty straightforward, though, the HANNSjoy isn’t particularly friendly to use overall. The remote control doesn’t feel very intuitive, and the screen sometimes responds sluggishly to your remote commands.
Also extremely annoying is the way that pressing a number when switching to the TV’s tuners from an AV input takes you by default to the analogue tuner, rather than the digital one. To access the digital tuner you thus have to press the Input button, as you would if you were accessing one of the HDMIs.

Then there’s the electronic programme guide for the digital tuner. This appears semi-translucently over the top of the channel you’re watching and doesn’t get much space, making it difficult to read and short of visible information. Worse, when you scroll down to another channel to see what that might be showing, the tuner actually changes channel to the one you’ve moved to on the EPG. This slows EPG navigation down horrendously, and also prevents you from being able to keep watching the channel you were on when you pressed the EPG button. Daft.

First impressions of the HANNSjoy’s picture quality were that our concerns about its potential PC bias were reasonably well founded. For there’s no doubt that colours don’t look ‘right’ when watching video sources. The tone in general just doesn’t feel at all natural, and there are lots of imbalances - especially yellowy skin tones and some over-aggressive reds and oranges. Your eyes do ‘acclimatise’ somewhat to the odd colour situation over time, but it’s still comfortably a severe enough problem to set serious alarm bells ringing about what we might expect from other aspects of the TV’s performance.
Sure enough, there's another issue for the TV when it comes to sharpness. For its HD pictures just don’t look very HD. There's a small step up from standard definition, but it’s not as pronounced in terms of either detail or crispness as we would like.

It doesn’t help, either, that despite the claimed 3ms (grey to grey) response time, the picture is still prone to a degree of motion blur, especially during camera pans. Plus we detected some slight shimmering noise over bright parts of pictures during camera pans.

The HANNSjoy further lives down to its price with its contrast performance. Or at least, its black levels. Actually, using the word black in association with this set’s pictures isn’t really on, as it’s simply not able to deliver anything deeper than a sort of greyish blue, thanks to the amount of low contrast ‘mist’ lying over the top of everything.
Then, of course, there are the predicted aspect ratio concerns. Use the set in its ‘full’ aspect ratio and while 16:9 pictures fill the screen, they look slightly stretched vertically. Go for the Wide settting, and while the picture appears intact and in the right proportions, you’ve got narrow black bars to top and bottom. To be fair, the images in this mode are still appearing on 1,920x1,080 pixels, as they would on a normal 16:9-ratio TV, but somehow we suspect people will still find having to have black bars on ALL their widescreen viewing annoying. Especially as these black bars look so grey thanks to the set’s lack of black level.

Pictures can, we guess, look quite bright for a budget set, and colours can look very punchy if you aren’t somehow alienated by the colour tone issues. Also the set is oddly accomplished at upscaling standard definition sources, at least to the extent that it doesn’t make them look either unduly soft or excessively noisy. Otherwise, though, the HANNSjoy’s pictures make us feel anything but joy.

The set’s finest performance asset, in fact, is its sound quality. The speakers can go surprisingly loud, and they can do so without distorting or sounding ‘crowded’.

Any 28in screen clearly has potential as a gaming monitor. But as well as feeling that our gaming was hindered by the screen’s lack of contrast, the screen’s input lag felt a touch inconsistent - a feeling backed up by our input lag measurements, which bizarrely varied from as low as just 6ms to as high as a definitely problematic 80ms, with around 40ms as the average.


The Hannspree HANNSjoy does not, alas, live up to its name. Yes, it’s remarkably cheap, and yes, it looks cute in a kitchen or bedroom. And yes, we guess you could argue that the fact that a 28in TV even switches on is acceptable for £199. But for us, the HANNSjoy is more an argument for spending more than a compelling budget option.