Thursday, 1 September 2011

When Satellite Internet Is The Best Connection

In Western society, satellite TV and radio is already well-known, however it is possible that many people still are unaware that this service is available in many places. When the number or current internet users are reviewed, only a one percent of these users are taking advantage of satellite internet service. It might be a small percentage of the market, but it is very important. The numbers will also show that the majority of users reside in rural locations.

Until recently, rural folks had to accept the dial-up connection as their only option; slow speed, frustration and all. It was the only option available for anyone living largely rural and then came sat-net, the internet connection savior, made especially for off the grid, out-of-the-way, off the beaten path and the more rural the better dwellers. These rural inhabitants make up the bulk of the sat-net customers, mostly because of no connection or dial-up connections being the only options.

If given the chance to choose between cable, DSL or the sat-net for a satellite connection, the clear winners would be either cable or DSL. While sat-net is faster than dial-up, it is no match for the speed of the preferred DSL or cable options. Unless there are clusters or pockets of buildings with dwellers, such as a city or metropolitan area, terrestrial broadband companies find it hard to justify installing a cable to service a sparely populated area such as rural locations. It just doesn't make any financial sense for them to invest the time, equipment, labor and upkeep of such an arrangement.

There is no need for cables when getting hooked up with a satellite service. Technically speaking there is a need for the sat-dish to be in a position that has an unobstructed view of the sky where the satellite will be circling. This one issue is not usually a problem with rural areas simply because there are not tall buildings blocking the signal. Of course there could be tree's and rock formations that can get in the way, but installing the sat-dish away from that will solve the problem.

Sat-net however, does have issues that can be really annoying. A big frustration is a time-lapse issue that is very noticeable if you are a gamer that really enjoys matching wits with real-time opponents anywhere on the globe. You will find yourself the loser in most every game. This is due to the time that it takes the satellite signal to leave the ground and complete the cycle. It simply is not ideal for fast paced games or cyber interactions such as intense auctions. It might only be a second in reality, but seconds can determine who is the winner and who is a loser.

Satellite internet and Satellite phones is fully available in a lot of locations. Look over the different Wireless internet plans to find the one that will work for you.

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